I believe those who has my msn would know that I have put this title as my personal msg. few days ago…
well, I somehow don’t feel the same anymore…
be it about school, friendship, thoughts, or my actions…
there are not the same, not anymore…
after chatting with Liang the other night,
when he told me how much he missed the time we had during year 1 of our degree course,
how much he missed the constant outings,
how we had conflicts because we have different priorities,
and how much he missed sharing thoughts with me…
but believe me, I missed those days too…
then I saw Ce-Yan’s post,
about how we used to be,
like skipping a class on my birthday because of hang over,
celebrating special occasions together,
or just a random outing…
it makes me feel worse…
believe me, I missed those days too…
I have been hung up my assignments, reports, presentations, and organizing activity lately that I can even hardly find time for myself…
but one thing’s for sure,
I’ll be resigning from all clubs and societies next sem. *can’t wait*
so now, I want to cherish this moment when I still have to chance to do all this things and make the best out of it!
but all this can’t be done without sacrifices…
and this most precious thing that I have sacrifice was my time.
believe me, it’s like talking to a donkey *random*
my time alone,
my time out with my friends,
my time to have a proper study time (I am studying whenever I can)
and my time to learn photography (I am getting really serious at it)
and I felt like I have been living a multi tasking life, for example:
chatting + preparing presentation slides
researching my assignment topics + discussion on activities
watching drama + eating
and I tell you I am getting really good at it… *bravo!*
and so far, Dr. Anna is still eying me and I am glad that i can answer the questions she asked me~ HAHAHAHAAA!!!!!
and she also found some new targets too~ *good news for me*
so, things are really not the same for me at this moment as I am still adapting to this new life I am claiming…
let’s just hope I am ready to face the challenges waiting for me ahead~ ^^
p/s: it’s valentine’s day tomorrow and I shall with everyone out there a happy valentine’s day~
p/p/s: it’s also my cousin’s wedding day tomorrow and I’ll be joining for their wedding dinner~
p/p/p/s: I will be joining Mike EcKO for photo shooting later at Pavilion before going to my cousin’s wedding dinner.