all I want for Christmas!~

so many things so little money... T___T

here's my wish list~ ^^


dear Santa,

if you are reading this, get one of it for me will do~

No.1 : MacBook Pro



No.2 : iPhone 3G



No.3 : iPod touch



okok, I am an Apple Freak I know...


now, let's continue with some non-applized product~ :p


No.4: a decent camera? (Might get a DSLLR if I am really into photography later on in life)




well, besides the above, I don't really know what I want anymore...

because, above are things that I really really like and still can't get my hands on...


sabahking said…
all the things are so expensive... hehe....
YL said…
LOL. you sure love the latest gadgets huh. LOL.
gregorule said…
lolz~ yea.. i love gadgets... esp apple's... so, it's gonna be vry expenssieve~ T___T

will get those one day~
nyoman said…
yalo mostly listed there v ex :P