doing it best or doing it right?

right or wrong?
we often ask ourself.

there is no definate answer,
it is up to you yourself to decipher,
weather what you doing is right or wrong.
what seems right to me,
might be wrong to you.
and vice versa.

the most important thing is wether or not

i have already accepted the fact that we cannot satisfy everyone around us,
and that remains a fact.
we have been putting in countless efforts to satisfy poeple around us,
and to much of my dismay,
most efforts are wasted.

taking serious steps to ensure that MOST PEOPLE satisfy what you are doing,
you have to put many things into consideration while makeing a decision.
like what will people think of?
how will it affect others?

you have to know what people are thinking before making a decision...
to satisfy the needs of poeple...

it is also important to know that,
everyone has a mask on.
no one show's their trueself,
maybe some.
but not all...

putting a mask on is also considered an art,
an art that must be mastered...
no one can show their trueself in this world,
because you might never know who is honest and who is not...
like you never know whe will you best friend betray you...
or how your girlfriend seeing another guy behind your back...
mayb until a certain period of time, you may put down your mask...

there is no such thing as harmony,
we can never get harmony,
nor do we get ourselve trust.

no one is wothout flaws,
and the most we can do,
is to accept other's flaws,
just like how people accept our flaws.
and we can live happily.

patience is a virtue.
it is usualy said by people,
but how true is it?
i said it is very true.
without patience,
i will not be sane anymore,
nor will i be here blogging.
patience plays an important part in anger management as well...

well after all these,
all i wat to say is,
be patient, understande poeple's behaviour, and do the best thing, not the right thing.
