crocodile farm @ Sarawak~

well, right after the visit to the wild life centre, we went straight to the crocodile farm~

DSC06622 while resting after a long walk around the farm~


DSC06625 we were waiting for the feeding of the crocodile to get started, and wow, the crocs flew!~ *merely*


DSC06628taken slightly before leaving the farm~



till then!~ crocs!~


Joshualaw said…
I didn't join you guys~ Ish! stupid intern!
gregorule said…
haiya... u din tell your boss got VIPs from peninsular to visit you...
Unknown said…
oii title crocodile farm but 1 crocodile pun takde?

[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot
gregorule said…
tuu... the one in orange is the buaya lor...